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Mississippi, United States
Christ-follwer. Wife. Teacher. Lover of books, photography, crafts.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 7: Favorite Movies

Yes, yes....I know that I didn't blog yesterday, but I was at my parent's house and they have....DIAL UP!!!! I'm sure we're the only household in America that still has the dreaded dial up internet. They live so far out in the country that we can't get wireless. Sad, but true story.....maybe one day it will happen.

So Day 7 of the blog challenge is Favorite Movies. I love movies, so it's hard for me to chose a favorite, but I have one. My all time favorite movie is
I can watch this movie over and over and over again. Yes, it's 3 hours long, but it's worth watching. There's not much to say about this movie, but I think there are two types of people when it comes to it being a favorite: You either absolutely love it or absolutely hate it. There is no in between. It's a classic. Here's a fun fact about this movie for those of you who do not know this: This movie is the first movie to ever have a curse word in it. We all know the line....."Frankly my dear, I don't give a ........" because this is a G-rated blog, I will refrain from putting the word. But seriously, if you haven't seen it go out right now and rent it or Netflix it. You have to see it.

Another movie that I love is
This one is my go to movie when I'm in a sappy love story kind of mood. The movie always leaves me saying "I think that if Katie and Hubble really tried they could have made it." It's as simple as that. I'm not going to lie, if you watch this movie, have a box of tissues handy. It will make you cry.

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