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Mississippi, United States
Christ-follwer. Wife. Teacher. Lover of books, photography, crafts.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Everyone is going places. As in moving to other states. Sometimes I feel trapped here. Other times, I'm perfectly content. I'm ready to finish school. Then move to New York City.
Okay, so the above statements were written yesterday morning, before my Bible study yesterday afternoon. Can I just say that God works in so many different ways? This afternoon Linda, the wonderful woman who is leading the study, introduced the book we will be working from during these next 6 weeks. The book is called Get A Life. It debunks the myths that we as women feel like we have to live by and things that we believe must define us. It's purpose is also for gaining a sense of contentment with the things that surround you. The cliche "The grass is always greener on the other side" is never enitrely true in most cases. We're always looking for something better than what we have. I still do want to move away and start a new life in a different place, but right now I need to learn to be content where I am. Moving to a different place is not a way for me to find that contentment that I desire so much. The point I'm trying to make is that we can't ever be content somewhere else, until we are content with the place we are at now. It's okay to want and desire things for the future, but until those things come along, and they will on God's time, we should enjoy the things where we are at now.
This Bible study is definitely what I need and it's come at such a good time in my life, because right now I'm so restless being in Starkville. I love it here, but I feel like it's a relationship that's gone on too long and I need something new. But when reading through the first day's study, I realized that God is using me in some way and maybe, just maybe, that purpose has not been fufilled to it's potential. When is fufilled, I'll know. I'm trusting God with this. It's hard for me to do that because in my earlier post, I admitted to be a control freak about my life, when in all honestly I don't have to be that way about my life at all. God knows what He's doing. He really does.
I'm going canoeing with MSU Wesley Foundation tomorrow. I haven't been canoeing in a really long time, and the last time I went, my paddle ended up far away from my canoe. It will be fun to see how this goes.

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