We are currently in Pennsylvania. It's 5 degrees. Cold is an understatement. We will (finally) be in Connecticut tomorrow. Stefan and I are so very excited to call the beautiful state our new home. He will start his job with ESPN on Monday. Leaving Mississippi was sad, but we know the Lord has so much in store for us in CT. We both know that this is where He has led us and for that we are so grateful.
While in transit to CT we have seen so much snow! The snow storm hit us once we arrived in Virginia. We immediately decided we should stop for the night. This morning we drove until we arrived in Scranton (which made me think of The Office, even though I don't watch the show). It is currently 3 degrees right now. That's too cold for this Mississippi girl.
Stefan and I can't want to get settled into our new home. There will be so much to explore and photograph. I. Can't. Wait!
2 hours ago