Obviously this post is almost a week late, but nonetheless, here it is!
It's Thursday night, and that means that Stefan and I are cooking some new dish. Tonight it's Chicken teriyaki, fried rice, and egg rolls. The chicken and fried rice are made from a recipe, but the egg rolls are the store bought kind, only because it's been a long day and we felt lazy.
It snowed! (If you're in Mississippi, you know that by now). This was real snow, none of that icy snow that we saw last week and the week before that. No, this time, it was all powder. I was in love as I watched, from my apartment, the snow flutter down. Stefan and I went home to my parents house to see them and my sweet little cousins who I have not seen in 3 or 4 weeks. Fortunately I got a few pictures of E in the snow before my camera battery decided to die.
2 hours ago